Press Release
Recent PoaCure® Updates from Moghu USA
Moghu USA bolsters PoaCure reach
Advanced Turf Solutions will begin offering PoaCure March 3 as distribution territory expansion announced for existing partners.
Moghu USA adds quartet of distribution partners
Moghu USA announced the expansion for distribution of PoaCure® SC with the addition of foiur new partners effective March 5, 2024.
California State Registration for PoaCure®
Moghu Research Center and Moghu USA announce that the registration for PoaCure is granted to use for the golf courses in the State of California.
Moghu USA adds six new PoaCure® SC distribution partners
Moghu USA announced the expansion for distribution of PoaCure® SC with the addition of six new partners effective May 1.
PoaCure® on media
Chemical & Cultural Strategies for Poa annua Control on Golf Courses
Dr. Shawn Askew from Virginia Tech discusses chemical and cultural strategies for controlling Poa annua (annual bluegrass) on golf courses in a GCSAA Webinar presented by PBI-Gordon Turf. His research on using PoaCure for Poa annua control is covered in detail from 41:52 to 47:54 in this video link.
Reducing Poa annua on greens and seedhead science
Dr. Frank Rossi from Cornell University and Dr. Shawn Askew from Virginia Tech discuss Poa annua management on golf course putting greens in the Cornell Turfgrass Show. Their conversation on seedhead suppression and various aspects of PoaCure application programs can be found in the linked video from 18:00 to 30:28.
Verdure: Nothing trivial about Poa trivialis control
Can PoaCure control roughstalk bluegrass (Poa trivialis) in fairway height cool-season turfgrass? Recent article in GCM Magazine (Sep 2023) from Dr. Mike Fidanza highlights the roughstalk bluegrass control study with PoaCure in creeping bentgrass golf fairway conducted by Dr. Shawn Askew's Group at Virginia Tech. For more information click here.
Is Methiozolin the Holy Grail of Poa Annua Control?
USGA agronomist Cory Isom mentions important points to consider incorporating PoaCure (Active Ingredient: Methiozolin) into Poa annua control strategies on golf courses.
The Cure for your Poa, PoaCure
Moghu Research Center